CCGbank — wsj_0013

Sentence 1

no CCG derivation
New England Electric System bowed out of the bidding for Public Service Co. of New Hampshire , saying that the risks were too high and the potential payoff too far in the future to justify a higher offer .

Sentence 2

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {NP[nb]/N  The}
               {N  move}}
           {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/PP {((S[dcl]\NP)/PP)/NP  leaves}
                                      {NP {NP {N {N/N  United}
                                                 {N {N/N  Illuminating}
                                                    {N  Co.}}}}
                                          {NP[conj] {conj  and}
                                                    {NP {N {N/N  Northeast}
                                                           {N  Utilities}}}}}}
                      {PP {PP/NP  as}
                          {NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                  {N {N/N  remaining}
                                     {N {N/N  outside}
                                        {N  bidders}}}}
                              {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  for}
                                     {NP {NP {NP {NP {N  PS}}
                                                 {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  of}
                                                        {NP {N {N/N  New}
                                                               {N  Hampshire}}}}}
                                             {,  ,}}
                                         {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/(S[dcl]\NP)  which}
                                                {S[dcl]\NP {(S\NP)/(S\NP)  also}
                                                           {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[pt]\NP)  has}
                                                                      {S[pt]\NP {(S[pt]\NP)/NP  proposed}
                                                                                {NP {NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  an}
                                                                                            {N {N/N  internal}
                                                                                               {N {N/N  reorganization}
                                                                                                  {N  plan}}}}
                                                                                        {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  in}
                                                                                               {NP {N {N/N  Chapter}
                                                                                                      {N {N/N  11}
                                                                                                         {N {N/N  bankruptcy}
                                                                                                            {N  proceedings}}}}}}}
                                                                                    {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/S[dcl] {(NP\NP)/NP  under}
                                                                                                           {((NP\NP)/S[dcl])\((NP\NP)/NP)  which}}
                                                                                           {S[dcl] {NP  it}
                                                                                                   {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)  would}
                                                                                                              {S[b]\NP {(S[b]\NP)/NP  remain}
                                                                                                                       {NP {NP[nb]/N  an}
                                                                                                                           {N {N/N  independent}
                                                                                                                              {N  company}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
   {.  .}}
The(NP[nb]/N) move
leaves(((S[dcl]\NP)/PP)/NP) move as Co., Utilities
United(N/N) Co.
Illuminating(N/N) Co.
Northeast(N/N) Utilities
as(PP/NP) bidders
the(NP[nb]/N) bidders
remaining(N/N) bidders
outside(N/N) bidders
for((NP\NP)/NP) bidders PS
of((NP\NP)/NP) PS Hampshire
New(N/N) Hampshire
which((NP\NP)/(S[dcl]\NP)) PS has
also((S\NP)/(S\NP)) has
has((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[pt]\NP)) PS proposed
proposed((S[pt]\NP)/NP) PS plan
an(NP[nb]/N) plan
internal(N/N) plan
reorganization(N/N) plan
in((NP\NP)/NP) plan proceedings
Chapter(N/N) proceedings
11(N/N) proceedings
bankruptcy(N/N) proceedings
under((NP\NP)/NP) plan
which(((NP\NP)/S[dcl])\((NP\NP)/NP)) plan would under
would((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)) it remain
remain((S[b]\NP)/NP) it company
an(NP[nb]/N) company
independent(N/N) company

Sentence 3

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {NP {NP {NP {N {N/N  New}
                              {N {N/N  England}
                                 {N  Electric}}}}
                       {,  ,}}
                   {NP\NP {S[pss]\NP {S[pss]\NP  based}
                                     {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  in}
                                                    {NP {NP {N  Westborough}}
                                                        {NP[conj] {,  ,}
                                                                  {NP {N  Mass.}}}}}}}}
               {,  ,}}
           {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[pt]\NP)  had}
                      {S[pt]\NP {S[pt]\NP {S[pt]\NP {S[pt]\NP {(S[pt]\NP)/NP  offered}
                                                              {NP {N {N/N[num]  $}
                                                                     {N[num] {N/N  2}
                                                                             {N[num]  billion}}}}}
                                                    {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {S[to]\NP {(S[to]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)  to}
                                                                             {S[b]\NP {(S[b]\NP)/NP  acquire}
                                                                                      {NP {NP {N  PS}}
                                                                                          {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  of}
                                                                                                 {NP {N {N/N  New}
                                                                                                        {N  Hampshire}}}}}}}}}
                                          {,  ,}}
                                {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/((S\NP)\(S\NP))  well}
                                               {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  below}
                                                              {NP {NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                                          {N {N/N {(N/N)/N[num]  $}
                                                                                  {N[num] {N/N  2.29}
                                                                                          {N[num]  billion}}}
                                                                             {N  value}}}
                                                                      {NP\NP {S[dcl]/NP {S/(S\NP) {NP {N {N/N  United}
                                                                                                         {N  Illuminating}}}}
                                                                                        {(S[dcl]\NP)/NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/NP  places}
                                                                                                        {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  on}
                                                                                                                       {NP {NP[nb]/N  its}
                                                                                                                           {N  bid}}}}}}}
                                                                  {NP[conj] {conj  and}
                                                                            {NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                                                    {N {N/N[num]  $}
                                                                                       {N[num] {N/N  2.25}
                                                                                               {N[num]  billion}}}}
                                                                                {NP\NP {S[dcl]/NP {S/(S\NP) {NP {N  Northeast}}}
                                                                                                  {(S[dcl]\NP)/NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/S[dcl]  says}
                                                                                                                  {S[dcl]/NP {S/(S\NP) {NP {NP[nb]/N  its}
                                                                                                                                           {N  bid}}}
                                                                                                                             {(S[dcl]\NP)/NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[adj]\NP)  is}
                                                                                                                                             {(S[adj]\NP)/NP  worth}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
   {.  .}}
New(N/N) Electric
England(N/N) Electric
based(S[pss]\NP) Electric
in(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) based Westborough, Mass.
had((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[pt]\NP)) Electric offered
offered((S[pt]\NP)/NP) Electric $
$(N/N[num]) billion
2(N/N) billion
to((S[to]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)) acquire
acquire((S[b]\NP)/NP) Electric PS
of((NP\NP)/NP) PS Hampshire
New(N/N) Hampshire
well(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/((S\NP)\(S\NP))) below
below(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) offered value, $
the(NP[nb]/N) value
$((N/N)/N[num]) value billion
2.29(N/N) billion
United(N/N) Illuminating
places((S[dcl]\NP)/NP) Illuminating value
on(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) places bid
its(NP[nb]/N) bid
the(NP[nb]/N) $
$(N/N[num]) billion
2.25(N/N) billion
says((S[dcl]\NP)/S[dcl]) Northeast is
its(NP[nb]/N) bid
is((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[adj]\NP)) bid worth
worth((S[adj]\NP)/NP) bid $

Sentence 4

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {N {N/N  United}
                          {N  Illuminating}}}
                   {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[pss]\NP)  is}
                              {S[pss]\NP {S[pss]\NP  based}
                                         {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  in}
                                                        {NP {NP {NP {N {N/N  New}
                                                                       {N  Haven}}}
                                                                {NP[conj] {,  ,}
                                                                          {NP {N  Conn.}}}}
                                                            {,  ,}}}}}}
           {S[dcl][conj] {conj  and}
                         {S[dcl] {NP {N  Northeast}}
                                 {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[pss]\NP)  is}
                                            {S[pss]\NP {S[pss]\NP  based}
                                                       {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  in}
                                                                      {NP {NP {N  Hartford}}
                                                                          {NP[conj] {,  ,}
                                                                                    {NP {N  Conn}}}}}}}}}}
   {.  .}}
United(N/N) Illuminating
is((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[pss]\NP)) Illuminating based
based(S[pss]\NP) Illuminating
in(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) based Haven, Conn.
New(N/N) Haven
is((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[pss]\NP)) Northeast based
based(S[pss]\NP) Northeast
in(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) based Hartford, Conn

Sentence 5

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {NP {NP {NP {NP {N  PS}}
                           {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  of}
                                  {NP {N {N/N  New}
                                         {N  Hampshire}}}}}
                       {,  ,}}
                   {NP\NP {NP\NP  Manchester}
                          {NP\NP[conj] {,  ,}
                                       {NP\NP  N.H.}}}}
               {,  ,}}
           {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/PP {((S[dcl]\NP)/PP)/NP  values}
                                      {NP {NP[nb]/N  its}
                                          {N {N/N  internal}
                                             {N {N/N  reorganization}
                                                {N  plan}}}}}
                      {PP {PP/NP  at}
                          {NP {N {N/N  about}
                                 {N {N/N[num]  $}
                                    {N[num] {N/N  2.2}
                                            {N[num]  billion}}}}}}}}
   {.  .}}
of((NP\NP)/NP) PS Hampshire
New(N/N) Hampshire
Manchester(NP\NP) PS
values(((S[dcl]\NP)/PP)/NP) PS at plan
its(NP[nb]/N) plan
internal(N/N) plan
reorganization(N/N) plan
at(PP/NP) $
about(N/N) $
$(N/N[num]) billion
2.2(N/N) billion

Sentence 6

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {NP {NP {N {N/N  John}
                          {N  Rowe}}}
                   {NP[conj] {,  ,}
                             {NP {NP {NP {N  president}}
                                     {NP[conj] {conj  and}
                                               {NP {N {N/N  chief}
                                                      {N {N/N  executive}
                                                         {N  officer}}}}}}
                                 {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  of}
                                        {NP {N {N/N  New}
                                               {N {N/N  England}
                                                  {N  Electric}}}}}}}}
               {,  ,}}
           {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/S[dcl]  said}
                      {S[dcl] {NP {NP {NP[nb]/N {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                    {N  company}}
                                                {(NP[nb]/N)\NP  's}}
                                      {N  return}}
                                  {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  on}
                                         {NP {N  equity}}}}
                              {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)  could}
                                         {S[b]\NP {S[b]\NP  suffer}
                                                  {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/S[dcl]  if}
                                                                 {S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP  it}
                                                                                 {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/NP  made}
                                                                                            {NP {NP[nb]/N  a}
                                                                                                {N {N/N  higher}
                                                                                                   {N  bid}}}}}
                                                                         {S[dcl][conj] {conj  and}
                                                                                       {S[dcl] {NP {NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  its}
                                                                                                           {N  forecasts}}
                                                                                                       {NP\NP {S[pss]\NP {(S[pss]\NP)/PP  related}
                                                                                                                         {PP {PP/NP  to}
                                                                                                                             {NP {NP {N  PS}}
                                                                                                                                 {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  of}
                                                                                                                                        {NP {N {N/N  New}
                                                                                                                                               {N  Hampshire}}}}}}}}}
                                                                                                   {NP\NP {NP\NP {:  --}
                                                                                                                 {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/(NP\NP)  such}
                                                                                                                        {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  as}
                                                                                                                               {NP {NP {NP {N  growth}}
                                                                                                                                       {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  in}
                                                                                                                                              {NP {N {N/N  electricity}
                                                                                                                                                     {N  demand}}}}}
                                                                                                                                   {NP[conj] {conj  and}
                                                                                                                                             {NP {N {N/N  improved}
                                                                                                                                                    {N {N/N  operating}
                                                                                                                                                       {N  efficiencies}}}}}}}}}
                                                                                                          {:  --}}}
                                                                                               {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP) {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)  did}
                                                                                                                                 {(S\NP)\(S\NP)  n't}}
                                                                                                          {S[b]\NP {(S[b]\NP)/(S[adj]\NP)  come}
                                                                                                                   {S[adj]\NP  true}}}}}}}}}}}}
   {.  .}}
John(N/N) Rowe
chief(N/N) officer
executive(N/N) officer
of((NP\NP)/NP) president, officer Electric
New(N/N) Electric
England(N/N) Electric
said((S[dcl]\NP)/S[dcl]) Rowe, president, officer could
the(NP[nb]/N) company
's((NP[nb]/N)\NP) return company
on((NP\NP)/NP) return equity
could((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)) return suffer
suffer(S[b]\NP) return
if(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/S[dcl]) suffer made, did
made((S[dcl]\NP)/NP) it bid
a(NP[nb]/N) bid
higher(N/N) bid
its(NP[nb]/N) forecasts
related((S[pss]\NP)/PP) forecasts to
to(PP/NP) PS
of((NP\NP)/NP) PS Hampshire
New(N/N) Hampshire
such((NP\NP)/(NP\NP)) as
as((NP\NP)/NP) forecasts growth, efficiencies
in((NP\NP)/NP) growth demand
electricity(N/N) demand
improved(N/N) efficiencies
operating(N/N) efficiencies
did((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)) forecasts come
n't((S\NP)\(S\NP)) did
come((S[b]\NP)/(S[adj]\NP)) forecasts true
true(S[adj]\NP) forecasts

Sentence 7

{S[dcl] {S/S {(S/S)/S[dcl]  When}
        {S[dcl] {NP  we}
                {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[ng]\NP)  evaluated}
                           {S[ng]\NP {(S[ng]\NP)/NP  raising}
                                     {NP {NP[nb]/N  our}
                                         {N  bid}}}}}}
   {S[dcl] {,  ,}
           {S[dcl] {S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                       {N  risks}}
                                   {S[dcl]\NP {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[adj]\NP)  seemed}
                                                         {S[adj]\NP {S[adj]\NP  substantial}
                                                                    {S[adj]\NP[conj] {conj  and}
                                                                                     {S[adj]\NP  persistent}}}}
                                              {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  over}
                                                             {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                                 {N {N/N  next}
                                                                    {N {N/N  five}
                                                                       {N  years}}}}}}}
                           {S[dcl][conj] {,  ,}
                                         {S[dcl][conj] {conj  and}
                                                       {S[dcl] {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                                   {N  rewards}}
                                                               {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[adj]\NP)  seemed}
                                                                          {S[adj]\NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  a}
                                                                                         {N {N/N  long}
                                                                                            {N  way}}}
                                                                                     {(S[adj]\NP)\NP  out}}}}}}}
                   {.  .}}}}
When((S/S)/S[dcl]) seemed, seemed evaluated
evaluated((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[ng]\NP)) we raising
raising((S[ng]\NP)/NP) we bid
our(NP[nb]/N) bid
the(NP[nb]/N) risks
seemed((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[adj]\NP)) risks substantial, persistent
substantial(S[adj]\NP) risks
persistent(S[adj]\NP) risks
over(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) seemed years
the(NP[nb]/N) years
next(N/N) years
five(N/N) years
the(NP[nb]/N) rewards
seemed((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[adj]\NP)) rewards out
a(NP[nb]/N) way
long(N/N) way
out((S[adj]\NP)\NP) rewards way

Sentence 8

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP  That}
                   {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[adj]\NP)  got}
                              {S[adj]\NP {(S[adj]\NP)/((S[to]\NP)/NP)  hard}
                                         {(S[to]\NP)/NP {(S[to]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)  to}
                                                        {(S[b]\NP)/NP  take}}}}}
           {S[dcl]\S[dcl] {,  ,}
                          {S[dcl]\S[dcl] {NP  he}
                                         {(S[dcl]\S[dcl])\NP  added}}}}
   {.  .}}
got((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[adj]\NP)) That hard
hard((S[adj]\NP)/((S[to]\NP)/NP)) That to
to((S[to]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)) take
take((S[b]\NP)/NP) That
added((S[dcl]\S[dcl])\NP) got he

Sentence 9

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {N {N/N  Mr.}
                  {N  Rowe}}}
           {S[dcl]\NP {(S\NP)/(S\NP)  also}
                      {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/S[em]  noted}
                                 {S[em] {S[em]/S[dcl]  that}
                                        {S[dcl] {NP {N {N/N  political}
                                                       {N  concerns}}}
                                                {S[dcl]\NP {(S\NP)/(S\NP)  also}
                                                           {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/NP  worried}
                                                                      {NP {N {N/N  New}
                                                                             {N {N/N  England}
                                                                                {N  Electric}}}}}}}}}}}
   {.  .}}
Mr.(N/N) Rowe
also((S\NP)/(S\NP)) noted
noted((S[dcl]\NP)/S[em]) Rowe that
that(S[em]/S[dcl]) worried
political(N/N) concerns
also((S\NP)/(S\NP)) worried
worried((S[dcl]\NP)/NP) concerns Electric
New(N/N) Electric
England(N/N) Electric

Sentence 10

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {S[dcl] {S/S {(S/S)/N  No}
                        {N {N/S[qem]  matter}
                           {S[qem] {S[qem]/(S[dcl]\NP)  who}
                                   {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/NP  owns}
                                              {NP {NP {N  PS}}
                                                  {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  of}
                                                         {NP {N {N/N  New}
                                                                {N  Hampshire}}}}}}}}}
                   {S[dcl] {,  ,}
                           {S[dcl] {S/S {(S/S)/S[dcl]  after}
                                        {S[dcl] {NP  it}
                                                {S[dcl]\NP {S[dcl]\NP  emerges}
                                                           {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  from}
                                                                          {NP {N {N/N  bankruptcy}
                                                                                 {N  proceedings}}}}}}}
                                   {S[dcl] {NP {NP[nb]/N  its}
                                               {N  rates}}
                                           {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)  will}
                                                      {S[b]\NP {(S[b]\NP)/PP  be}
                                                               {PP {PP/NP  among}
                                                                   {NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                                           {N  highest}}
                                                                       {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  in}
                                                                              {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                                                  {N  nation}}}}}}}}}}}
           {S[dcl]\S[dcl] {,  ,}
                          {S[dcl]\S[dcl] {NP  he}
                                         {(S[dcl]\S[dcl])\NP  said}}}}
   {.  .}}
No((S/S)/N) will matter
matter(N/S[qem]) who
who(S[qem]/(S[dcl]\NP)) owns
owns((S[dcl]\NP)/NP) PS
of((NP\NP)/NP) PS Hampshire
New(N/N) Hampshire
after((S/S)/S[dcl]) will emerges
emerges(S[dcl]\NP) it
from(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) emerges proceedings
bankruptcy(N/N) proceedings
its(NP[nb]/N) rates
will((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)) rates be
be((S[b]\NP)/PP) rates among
among(PP/NP) highest
the(NP[nb]/N) highest
in((NP\NP)/NP) highest nation
the(NP[nb]/N) nation
said((S[dcl]\S[dcl])\NP) will he

Sentence 11

{S[dcl] {NP  That}
   {S[dcl]\NP {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/NP  attracts}
                         {NP {N  attention}}}
              {:  ...}}}
attracts((S[dcl]\NP)/NP) That attention

Sentence 12

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP  it}
                   {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/NP  was}
                              {NP {NP {NP/NP  just}
                                      {NP {NP[nb]/N  another}
                                          {N  one}}}
                                  {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  of}
                                         {NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                 {N {N/N  risk}
                                                    {N  factors}}}
                                             {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/(S[dcl]\NP)  that}
                                                    {S[dcl]\NP {S[dcl]\NP  led}
                                                               {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  to}
                                                                              {NP {NP[nb]/N {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                                                                {N  company}}
                                                                                            {(NP[nb]/N)\NP  's}}
                                                                                  {N {N  decision}
                                                                                     {N\N {S[to]\NP {(S[to]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)  to}
                                                                                                    {S[b]\NP {S[b]\NP  withdraw}
                                                                                                             {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  from}
                                                                                                                            {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                                                                                                {N  bidding}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
           {S[dcl]\S[dcl] {,  ,}
                          {S[dcl]\S[dcl] {NP  he}
                                         {(S[dcl]\S[dcl])\NP  added}}}}
   {.  .}}
was((S[dcl]\NP)/NP) it one
just(NP/NP) one
another(NP[nb]/N) one
of((NP\NP)/NP) one factors
the(NP[nb]/N) factors
risk(N/N) factors
that((NP\NP)/(S[dcl]\NP)) factors led
led(S[dcl]\NP) factors
to(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) led decision
the(NP[nb]/N) company
's((NP[nb]/N)\NP) decision company
to((S[to]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)) withdraw
withdraw(S[b]\NP) decision
from(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) withdraw bidding
the(NP[nb]/N) bidding
added((S[dcl]\S[dcl])\NP) was he

Sentence 13

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {NP {N {N/N  Wilbur}
                      {N {N/N  Ross}
                         {N  Jr.}}}}
               {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  of}
                      {NP {NP {N {N/N  Rothschild}
                                 {N  Inc.}}}
                          {NP[conj] {,  ,}
                                    {NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                            {N {N/N  financial}
                                               {N  adviser}}}
                                        {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  to}
                                               {NP {NP[nb]/N {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                                 {N {N/N  troubled}
                                                                    {N  company}}}
                                                             {(NP[nb]/N)\NP  's}}
                                                   {N {N/N  equity}
                                                      {N  holders}}}}}}}}}
           {S[dcl]\NP {,  ,}
                      {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/S[dcl]  said}
                                 {S[dcl] {NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                 {N  withdrawal}}
                                             {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  of}
                                                    {NP {N {N/N  New}
                                                           {N {N/N  England}
                                                              {N  Electric}}}}}}
                                         {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)  might}
                                                    {S[b]\NP {(S[b]\NP)/NP {(S[b]\NP)/NP  speed}
                                                                           {(S\NP)\(S\NP)  up}}
                                                             {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                                 {N {N/N  reorganization}
                                                                    {N  process}}}}}}}}}
   {.  .}}
Wilbur(N/N) Jr.
Ross(N/N) Jr.
of((NP\NP)/NP) Jr. Inc., adviser
Rothschild(N/N) Inc.
the(NP[nb]/N) adviser
financial(N/N) adviser
to((NP\NP)/NP) adviser holders
the(NP[nb]/N) company
troubled(N/N) company
's((NP[nb]/N)\NP) holders company
equity(N/N) holders
said((S[dcl]\NP)/S[dcl]) Jr. might
the(NP[nb]/N) withdrawal
of((NP\NP)/NP) withdrawal Electric
New(N/N) Electric
England(N/N) Electric
might((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)) withdrawal speed
speed((S[b]\NP)/NP) withdrawal process
up((S\NP)\(S\NP)) speed
the(NP[nb]/N) process
reorganization(N/N) process

Sentence 14

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {NP[nb]/N  The}
                       {N {N/S[em]  fact}
                          {S[em] {S[em]/S[dcl]  that}
                                 {S[dcl] {NP {N {N/N  New}
                                                {N  England}}}
                                         {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/NP  proposed}
                                                    {NP {NP {N {N/N  lower}
                                                               {N {N/N  rate}
                                                                  {N  increases}}}}
                                                        {NP\NP {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  --}
                                                                      {NP {NP {NP {N {N/N  4.8}
                                                                                     {N  %}}}
                                                                              {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  over}
                                                                                     {NP {N {N/N  seven}
                                                                                            {N  years}}}}}
                                                                          {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  against}
                                                                                 {NP {NP {N {N/N {(N/N)/(N/N) {((N/N)/(N/N))/((N/N)/(N/N))  around}
                                                                                                              {(N/N)/(N/N)  5.5}}
                                                                                                 {N/N  %}}
                                                                                            {N  boosts}}}
                                                                                     {NP\NP {S[pss]\NP {S[pss]\NP  proposed}
                                                                                                       {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  by}
                                                                                                                      {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                                                                                          {N {N/N  other}
                                                                                                                             {N {N/N  two}
                                                                                                                                {N {N/N  outside}
                                                                                                                                   {N  bidders}}}}}}}}}}}}
                                                               {:  --}}}}}}}}
                   {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/NP  complicated}
                              {NP {NP {N  negotiations}}
                                  {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  with}
                                         {NP {N {N/N  state}
                                                {N  officials}}}}}}}
           {S[dcl]\S[dcl] {,  ,}
                          {S[dcl]\S[dcl] {NP {N {N/N  Mr.}
                                                {N  Ross}}}
                                         {(S[dcl]\S[dcl])\NP  asserted}}}}
   {.  .}}
The(NP[nb]/N) fact
fact(N/S[em]) that
that(S[em]/S[dcl]) proposed
New(N/N) England
proposed((S[dcl]\NP)/NP) England increases
lower(N/N) increases
rate(N/N) increases
--((NP\NP)/NP) increases %
4.8(N/N) %
over((NP\NP)/NP) % years
seven(N/N) years
against((NP\NP)/NP) % boosts
around(((N/N)/(N/N))/((N/N)/(N/N))) 5.5
5.5((N/N)/(N/N)) %
%(N/N) boosts
proposed(S[pss]\NP) boosts
by(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) proposed bidders
the(NP[nb]/N) bidders
other(N/N) bidders
two(N/N) bidders
outside(N/N) bidders
complicated((S[dcl]\NP)/NP) fact negotiations
with((NP\NP)/NP) negotiations officials
state(N/N) officials
Mr.(N/N) Ross
asserted((S[dcl]\S[dcl])\NP) complicated Ross

Sentence 15

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {S[dcl] {S/S  Now}
                   {S[dcl] {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                               {N  field}}
                           {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[adj]\NP)  is}
                                      {S[adj]\NP {(S[adj]\NP)/(S[adj]\NP)  less}
                                                 {S[adj]\NP  cluttered}}}}}
           {S[dcl]\S[dcl] {,  ,}
                          {S[dcl]\S[dcl] {NP  he}
                                         {(S[dcl]\S[dcl])\NP  added}}}}
   {.  .}}
Now(S/S) is
the(NP[nb]/N) field
is((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[adj]\NP)) field cluttered
less((S[adj]\NP)/(S[adj]\NP)) cluttered
cluttered(S[adj]\NP) field
added((S[dcl]\S[dcl])\NP) is he

Sentence 16

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {S/S  Separately}
           {S[dcl] {,  ,}
                   {S[dcl] {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                               {N {N/N  Federal}
                                  {N {N/N  Energy}
                                     {N {N/N  Regulatory}
                                        {N  Commission}}}}}
                           {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/NP  turned}
                                                                      {(S\NP)\(S\NP)  down}}
                                                      {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  for}
                                                                     {NP {N  now}}}}
                                      {NP {NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  a}
                                                  {N  request}}
                                              {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  by}
                                                     {NP {N  Northeast}}}}
                                          {NP\NP {S[ng]\NP {(S[ng]\NP)/NP  seeking}
                                                           {NP {NP {N  approval}}
                                                               {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  of}
                                                                      {NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  its}
                                                                              {N {N/N  possible}
                                                                                 {N  purchase}}}
                                                                          {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  of}
                                                                                 {NP {NP {N  PS}}
                                                                                     {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  of}
                                                                                            {NP {N {N/N  New}
                                                                                                   {N  Hampshire}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
   {.  .}}
Separately(S/S) turned
the(NP[nb]/N) Commission
Federal(N/N) Commission
Energy(N/N) Commission
Regulatory(N/N) Commission
turned((S[dcl]\NP)/NP) Commission request
down((S\NP)\(S\NP)) turned
for(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) turned now
a(NP[nb]/N) request
by((NP\NP)/NP) request Northeast
seeking((S[ng]\NP)/NP) request approval
of((NP\NP)/NP) approval purchase
its(NP[nb]/N) purchase
possible(N/N) purchase
of((NP\NP)/NP) purchase PS
of((NP\NP)/NP) PS Hampshire
New(N/N) Hampshire

Sentence 17

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {N  Northeast}}
           {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/S[dcl]  said}
                      {S[dcl] {NP  it}
                              {S[dcl]\NP {S[dcl]\NP {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)  would}
                                                               {S[b]\NP {(S[b]\NP)/NP  refile}
                                                                        {NP {NP[nb]/N  its}
                                                                            {N  request}}}}
                                                    {S[dcl]\NP[conj] {conj  and}
                                                                     {S[dcl]\NP {(S\NP)/(S\NP)  still}
                                                                                {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/PP  hopes}
                                                                                           {PP {PP/NP  for}
                                                                                               {NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  an}
                                                                                                       {N {N/N  expedited}
                                                                                                          {N  review}}}
                                                                                                   {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  by}
                                                                                                          {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                                                                              {N  FERC}}}}}}}}}
                                         {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/S[em]  so}
                                                        {S[em] {S[em]/S[dcl]  that}
                                                               {S[dcl] {NP  it}
                                                                       {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)  could}
                                                                                  {S[b]\NP {S[b]\NP {S[b]\NP {(S[b]\NP)/NP  complete}
                                                                                                             {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                                                                                 {N  purchase}}}
                                                                                                    {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  by}
                                                                                                                   {NP {N {N/N  next}
                                                                                                                          {N  summer}}}}}
                                                                                           {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/S[dcl]  if}
                                                                                                          {S[dcl] {NP {NP[nb]/N  its}
                                                                                                                      {N  bid}}
                                                                                                                  {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/NP  is}
                                                                                                                             {NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                                                                                                     {N  one}}
                                                                                                                                 {NP\NP {S[pss]\NP {S[pss]\NP  approved}
                                                                                                                                                   {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  by}
                                                                                                                                                                  {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                                                                                                                                      {N {N/N  bankruptcy}
                                                                                                                                                                         {N  court}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
   {.  .}}
said((S[dcl]\NP)/S[dcl]) Northeast would, hopes
would((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)) it refile
refile((S[b]\NP)/NP) it request
its(NP[nb]/N) request
still((S\NP)/(S\NP)) hopes
hopes((S[dcl]\NP)/PP) it for
for(PP/NP) review
an(NP[nb]/N) review
expedited(N/N) review
by((NP\NP)/NP) review FERC
the(NP[nb]/N) FERC
so(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/S[em]) would, hopes that
that(S[em]/S[dcl]) could
could((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)) it complete
complete((S[b]\NP)/NP) it purchase
the(NP[nb]/N) purchase
by(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) complete summer
next(N/N) summer
if(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/S[dcl]) complete is
its(NP[nb]/N) bid
is((S[dcl]\NP)/NP) bid one
the(NP[nb]/N) one
approved(S[pss]\NP) one
by(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) approved court
the(NP[nb]/N) court
bankruptcy(N/N) court

Sentence 18

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {N {N/N {N/N  PS}
                       {(N/N)\(N/N) {((N/N)\(N/N))/NP  of}
                                    {NP {N {N/N  New}
                                           {N  Hampshire}}}}}
                  {N  shares}}}
           {S[dcl]\NP {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/PP {(S[dcl]\NP)/PP  closed}
                                                 {(S\NP)\(S\NP)  yesterday}}
                                 {PP {PP/NP  at}
                                     {NP {NP {NP {NP {N {N/N[num]  $}
                                                        {N[num]  3.75}}}
                                                 {,  ,}}
                                             {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  off}
                                                    {NP {N {N/N  25}
                                                           {N  cents}}}}}
                                         {,  ,}}}}
                      {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  in}
                                     {NP {N {N/N  New}
                                            {N {N/N  York}
                                               {N {N/N  Stock}
                                                  {N {N/N  Exchange}
                                                     {N {N/N  composite}
                                                        {N  trading}}}}}}}}}}
   {.  .}}
PS(N/N) shares
of(((N/N)\(N/N))/NP) PS Hampshire
New(N/N) Hampshire
closed((S[dcl]\NP)/PP) shares at
yesterday((S\NP)\(S\NP)) closed
at(PP/NP) $
$(N/N[num]) 3.75
off((NP\NP)/NP) $ cents
25(N/N) cents
in(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) closed trading
New(N/N) trading
York(N/N) trading
Stock(N/N) trading
Exchange(N/N) trading
composite(N/N) trading

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©2005 Julia Hockenmaier and Mark Steedman.   Portions ©2005 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania