CCGbank — wsj_0016

Sentence 1

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {NP {NP {NP[nb]/N {NP {N  Japan}}
                                         {(NP[nb]/N)\NP  's}}
                               {N {N/N  domestic}
                                  {N  sales}}}
                           {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  of}
                                  {NP {N {N  cars}
                                         {N[conj] {,  ,}
                                                  {N {N  trucks}
                                                     {N[conj] {conj  and}
                                                              {N  buses}}}}}}}}
                       {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  in}
                              {NP {N  October}}}}
                   {S[dcl]\NP {S[dcl]\NP {S[dcl]\NP {S[dcl]\NP  rose}
                                                    {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/((S\NP)\(S\NP))  18}
                                                                   {(S\NP)\(S\NP)  %}}}
                                         {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/(S[adj]\NP)  from}
                                                        {S[adj]\NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  a}
                                                                       {N  year}}
                                                                   {(S[adj]\NP)\NP  earlier}}}}
                              {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  to}
                                             {NP {NP {N {N/N  500,004}
                                                        {N  units}}}
                                                 {NP[conj] {,  ,}
                                                           {NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  a}
                                                                   {N  record}}
                                                               {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  for}
                                                                      {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                                          {N  month}}}}}}}}}
           {S[dcl]\S[dcl] {,  ,}
                          {S[dcl]\S[dcl] {NP {NP[nb]/N {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                           {N {N/N  Japan}
                                                              {N {N/N  Automobile}
                                                                 {N  Dealers}}}}
                                                       {(NP[nb]/N)\NP  '}}
                                             {N  Association}}
                                         {(S[dcl]\S[dcl])\NP  said}}}}
   {.  .}}
's((NP[nb]/N)\NP) sales Japan
domestic(N/N) sales
of((NP\NP)/NP) sales cars, trucks, buses
in((NP\NP)/NP) sales October
rose(S[dcl]\NP) sales
18(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/((S\NP)\(S\NP))) %
%((S\NP)\(S\NP)) rose
from(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/(S[adj]\NP)) rose earlier
a(NP[nb]/N) year
earlier((S[adj]\NP)\NP) sales year
to(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) rose units, record
500,004(N/N) units
a(NP[nb]/N) record
for((NP\NP)/NP) record month
the(NP[nb]/N) month
the(NP[nb]/N) Dealers
Japan(N/N) Dealers
Automobile(N/N) Dealers
'((NP[nb]/N)\NP) Association Dealers
said((S[dcl]\S[dcl])\NP) rose Association

Sentence 2

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {NP[nb]/N  The}
               {N {N/N  strong}
                  {N  growth}}}
           {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/NP  followed}
                      {NP {NP {N {N/N  year-to-year}
                                 {N  increases}}}
                          {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  of}
                                 {NP {NP {NP {N {N/N  21}
                                                {N  %}}}
                                         {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  in}
                                                {NP {N  August}}}}
                                     {NP[conj] {conj  and}
                                               {NP {NP {N {N/N  12}
                                                          {N  %}}}
                                                   {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  in}
                                                          {NP {N  September}}}}}}}}}}
   {.  .}}
The(NP[nb]/N) growth
strong(N/N) growth
followed((S[dcl]\NP)/NP) growth increases
year-to-year(N/N) increases
of((NP\NP)/NP) increases %, %
21(N/N) %
in((NP\NP)/NP) % August
12(N/N) %
in((NP\NP)/NP) % September

Sentence 3

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {NP[nb]/N  The}
               {N {N/N  monthly}
                  {N  sales}}}
           {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[pt]\NP)  have}
                      {S[pt]\NP {(S[pt]\NP)/(S[ng]\NP)  been}
                                {S[ng]\NP {S[ng]\NP {(S[ng]\NP)/NP  setting}
                                                    {NP {N  records}}}
                                          {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/N  every}
                                                                        {N  month}}
                                                         {((S\NP)\(S\NP))\((S\NP)\(S\NP)) {(((S\NP)\(S\NP))\((S\NP)\(S\NP)))/NP  since}
                                                                                          {NP {N  March}}}}}}}}
   {.  .}}
The(NP[nb]/N) sales
monthly(N/N) sales
have((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[pt]\NP)) sales been
been((S[pt]\NP)/(S[ng]\NP)) setting
setting((S[ng]\NP)/NP) sales records
every(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/N) setting month
since((((S\NP)\(S\NP))\((S\NP)\(S\NP)))/NP) every March

Sentence 4

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {NP {NP {NP {N {N/N  October}
                              {N  sales}}}
                       {,  ,}}
                   {NP\NP {S[pss]\NP {(S[pss]\NP)/PP  compared}
                                     {PP {PP/NP  with}
                                         {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                             {N {N/N  previous}
                                                {N  month}}}}}}}
               {,  ,}}
           {S[dcl]\NP {S[dcl]\NP  inched}
                      {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  down}
                                     {NP {N {N/N  0.4}
                                            {N  %}}}}}}
   {.  .}}
October(N/N) sales
compared((S[pss]\NP)/PP) sales with
with(PP/NP) month
the(NP[nb]/N) month
previous(N/N) month
inched(S[dcl]\NP) sales
down(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) inched %
0.4(N/N) %

Sentence 5

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {NP {N  Sales}}
               {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  of}
                      {NP {N {N/N  passenger}
                             {N  cars}}}}}
           {S[dcl]\NP {S[dcl]\NP {S[dcl]\NP {S[dcl]\NP  grew}
                                            {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/((S\NP)\(S\NP))  22}
                                                           {(S\NP)\(S\NP)  %}}}
                                 {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/(S[adj]\NP)  from}
                                                {S[adj]\NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  a}
                                                               {N  year}}
                                                           {(S[adj]\NP)\NP  earlier}}}}
                      {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  to}
                                     {NP {N {N/N  361,376}
                                            {N  units}}}}}}
   {.  .}}
of((NP\NP)/NP) Sales cars
passenger(N/N) cars
grew(S[dcl]\NP) Sales
22(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/((S\NP)\(S\NP))) %
%((S\NP)\(S\NP)) grew
from(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/(S[adj]\NP)) grew earlier
a(NP[nb]/N) year
earlier((S[adj]\NP)\NP) Sales year
to(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) grew units
361,376(N/N) units

Sentence 6

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {NP {NP {NP {NP {N  Sales}}
                           {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  of}
                                  {NP {N {N/N  medium-sized}
                                         {N  cars}}}}}
                       {,  ,}}
                   {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/(S[dcl]\NP)  which}
                          {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/PP  benefited}
                                     {PP {PP/NP  from}
                                         {NP {NP {N {N/N  price}
                                                    {N  reductions}}}
                                             {NP\NP {S[ng]\NP {S[ng]\NP  arising}
                                                              {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  from}
                                                                             {NP {NP {N  introduction}}
                                                                                 {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  of}
                                                                                        {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                                                                            {N {N/N  consumption}
                                                                                               {N  tax}}}}}}}}}}}}}
               {,  ,}}
           {S[dcl]\NP {(S\NP)/(S\NP) {S[adj]\NP  more}
                                     {((S\NP)/(S\NP))\(S[adj]\NP)  than}}
                      {S[dcl]\NP {S[dcl]\NP {S[dcl]\NP  doubled}
                                            {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  to}
                                                           {NP {N {N/N  30,841}
                                                                  {N  units}}}}}
                                 {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  from}
                                                               {NP {N  13,056}}}
                                                {((S\NP)\(S\NP))\((S\NP)\(S\NP)) {(((S\NP)\(S\NP))\((S\NP)\(S\NP)))/NP  in}
                                                                                 {NP {N {N  October}
                                                                                        {N\N  1988}}}}}}}}
   {.  .}}
of((NP\NP)/NP) Sales cars
medium-sized(N/N) cars
which((NP\NP)/(S[dcl]\NP)) Sales benefited
benefited((S[dcl]\NP)/PP) Sales from
from(PP/NP) reductions
price(N/N) reductions
arising(S[ng]\NP) reductions
from(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) arising introduction
of((NP\NP)/NP) introduction tax
the(NP[nb]/N) tax
consumption(N/N) tax
more(S[adj]\NP) Sales
than(((S\NP)/(S\NP))\(S[adj]\NP)) doubled more
doubled(S[dcl]\NP) Sales
to(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) doubled units
30,841(N/N) units
from(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) doubled 13,056
in((((S\NP)\(S\NP))\((S\NP)\(S\NP)))/NP) from October
1988(N\N) October

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©2005 Julia Hockenmaier and Mark Steedman.   Portions ©2005 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania