CCGbank — wsj_0017

Sentence 1

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {NP {NP {N {N/N  Texas}
                          {N {N/N  Instruments}
                             {N {N/N  Japan}
                                {N  Ltd.}}}}}
                   {NP[conj] {,  ,}
                             {NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  a}
                                     {N  unit}}
                                 {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  of}
                                        {NP {N {N/N  Texas}
                                               {N {N/N  Instruments}
                                                  {N  Inc.}}}}}}}}
               {,  ,}}
           {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/S[dcl]  said}
                      {S[dcl] {NP  it}
                              {S[dcl]\NP {S[dcl]\NP {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/NP  opened}
                                                               {NP {NP[nb]/N  a}
                                                                   {N  plant}}}
                                                    {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  in}
                                                                   {NP {N {N/N  South}
                                                                          {N  Korea}}}}}
                                         {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {S[to]\NP {(S[to]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)  to}
                                                                  {S[b]\NP {(S[b]\NP)/NP  manufacture}
                                                                           {NP {N {N/N  control}
                                                                                  {N  devices}}}}}}}}}}
   {.  .}}
Texas(N/N) Ltd.
Instruments(N/N) Ltd.
Japan(N/N) Ltd.
a(NP[nb]/N) unit
of((NP\NP)/NP) unit Inc.
Texas(N/N) Inc.
Instruments(N/N) Inc.
said((S[dcl]\NP)/S[dcl]) Ltd., unit opened
opened((S[dcl]\NP)/NP) it plant
a(NP[nb]/N) plant
in(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) opened Korea
South(N/N) Korea
to((S[to]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)) manufacture
manufacture((S[b]\NP)/NP) it devices
control(N/N) devices

Sentence 2

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {NP {NP {NP {NP[nb]/N  The}
                                   {N {N/N  new}
                                      {N  plant}}}
                               {,  ,}}
                           {NP\NP {S[pss]\NP {S[pss]\NP  located}
                                             {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  in}
                                                            {NP {NP {N  Chinchon}}
                                                                {NP\NP {NP {N {N/N {(N/N)/(N/N)  about}
                                                                                   {N/N  60}}
                                                                              {N  miles}}}
                                                                       {(NP\NP)\NP {((NP\NP)\NP)/NP  from}
                                                                                   {NP {N  Seoul}}}}}}}}}
                       {,  ,}}
                   {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)  will}
                              {S[b]\NP {(S[b]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)  help}
                                       {S[b]\NP {(S[b]\NP)/NP  meet}
                                                {NP {NP {NP {N {N/N {N/N  increasing}
                                                                    {N/N[conj] {conj  and}
                                                                               {N/N  diversifying}}}
                                                               {N  demand}}}
                                                        {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  for}
                                                               {NP {N {N/N  control}
                                                                      {N  products}}}}}
                                                    {NP\NP {(NP\NP)/NP  in}
                                                           {NP {N {N/N  South}
                                                                  {N  Korea}}}}}}}}}
           {S[dcl]\S[dcl] {,  ,}
                          {S[dcl]\S[dcl] {NP {NP[nb]/N  the}
                                             {N  company}}
                                         {(S[dcl]\S[dcl])\NP  said}}}}
   {.  .}}
The(NP[nb]/N) plant
new(N/N) plant
located(S[pss]\NP) plant
in(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) located Chinchon
about((N/N)/(N/N)) 60
60(N/N) miles
from(((NP\NP)\NP)/NP) Chinchon miles Seoul
will((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)) plant help
help((S[b]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)) plant meet
meet((S[b]\NP)/NP) plant demand
increasing(N/N) demand
diversifying(N/N) demand
for((NP\NP)/NP) demand products
control(N/N) products
in((NP\NP)/NP) demand Korea
South(N/N) Korea
the(NP[nb]/N) company
said((S[dcl]\S[dcl])\NP) will company

Sentence 3

{S[dcl] {S[dcl] {NP {NP[nb]/N  The}
               {N  plant}}
           {S[dcl]\NP {(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)  will}
                      {S[b]\NP {(S[b]\NP)/NP  produce}
                               {NP {NP {N {N/N  control}
                                          {N  devices}}}
                                   {NP\NP {S[pss]\NP {S[pss]\NP  used}
                                                     {(S\NP)\(S\NP) {((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP  in}
                                                                    {NP {NP {N {N/N  motor}
                                                                               {N  vehicles}}}
                                                                        {NP[conj] {conj  and}
                                                                                  {NP {N {N/N  household}
                                                                                         {N  appliances}}}}}}}}}}}}
   {.  .}}
The(NP[nb]/N) plant
will((S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP)) plant produce
produce((S[b]\NP)/NP) plant devices
control(N/N) devices
used(S[pss]\NP) devices
in(((S\NP)\(S\NP))/NP) used vehicles, appliances
motor(N/N) vehicles
household(N/N) appliances

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©2005 Julia Hockenmaier and Mark Steedman.   Portions ©2005 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania